Figure 5.
Lipidomic Analysis Reveal Membrane Lipid Change Pattern in ads2 Mutant Plants.
(A) and (B) The relative total content (mol %) of different lipid species when plants were grown at 23 or 6°C. Col, Columbia.
(C) The size of the PG subpool (mol %) when plants were grown at 23 or 6°C.
(D) The size of the MGDG subpool (mol %) when plants were grown at 23 or 6°C.
Wild-type, ads2-2, ads2-3, and fad5-1 mutant plants were grown in a growth chamber at 23°C for 25 d, and aerial leaf tissues were harvest for lipid extraction. For cold-grown Arabidopsis, plants were grown in a growth chamber at 23°C for 2 weeks and then moved to a 6°C cold room for an additional 37 d before aerial leaves were harvested for lipid extraction. Data are expressed as average ± se of mol % (n = 4), and statistically significant differences between wild-type and ads2 mutant plants are labeled with asterisks.