Table 2. K-ABC subtests' and Mathematic Test's cognitive workloads according to different models.
Test | Task name | Task description | Kaufman model [33] | MDS spatial model [23] | Working memory as g-factor | |
Subtest variance shared with g [23] | PCA within healthy control sample (n = 312) | |||||
K-ABC | Number recalla | Repetition of a number of digits | sequential | low | .34 | .48 |
K-ABC | Hand movementsa | Performance of a series of hand movements | sequential | intermediate | .53 | .50 |
K-ABC | Word order | The child is asked to touch silhouettes of common objects as named by the tester | sequential | intermediate | .59 | .69 |
K-ABC | Gestalt closureb | Naming of an object pictured in a partially completed drawing | simultaneous | intermediate | .58 | .41 |
K-ABC | Matrix analogiesb | Selection of a picture that completes a visual analogy | simultaneous | intermediate | .63 | .59 |
K-ABC | Triangles | Assembly of identical triangles into an abstract pattern that matches a model | simultaneous | intermediate | .60 | .62 |
K-ABC | Spatial memory | Recall of the location of pictures on a page previously presented | simultaneous | low | .47 | .48 |
K-ABC | Photo series | Chronological ordering of photographs of an event | simultaneous | intermediate | .67 | .55 |
K-ABC | Riddles | The tester describes characteristics of a verbal concept and the child names it | achievement/reasoning | high | .84 | .69 |
K-ABC | Arithmeticc | The child is asked to solve arithmetic problems | achievement/reasoning | high | .80 | .71 |
Maths Test | Index scorec | 29 items assessing numerical estimations, reasoning, and mental rotation abilities | - | - | - | .70 |
incorporated in the low cognitive workload scale;
incorporated in the moderate cognitive workload scale;
incorporated in the high cognitive workload scale.