Figure 1.
Myeloid translocation gene-16 (MTG16) regulates colonocyte proliferation. (A) H&E stained Mtg16−/− or WT colons. (B) In situ TUNEL staining. Results presented as the number of TUNEL labelled cells/crypt, 20 crypts/mouse counted (p=0.86) (n=9 mice/genotype). (C) Representative photomicrographs of Ki67 staining in WT or Mtg16−/− colonic crypts. Graph at right shows comparison between Mtg16−/− and WT Ki67 counts per crypt, with an average of 50 crypts/mouse counted (**p<0.01, n=4 mice/genotype). (D) FITC-dextran permeability assay (*p<0.05) (n=6 WT, n=7 Mtg16−/−).