Fig. 4.
Lingo-1 positive fibers colocalize with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) containing synaptic structures along the PC AIS. Dual immunofluorescence labeling of ET cerebellar cortex with anti-synaptophysin (a, d), anti-GAD (g, j, p), or anti-parvalbumin antibody (m) (Alexa 488, green), and anti-Lingo-1 antibody (b, e, h, k, n, q) (Alexa 594, red). The merged images are shown (c, f, i, l, o, r). Synaptophysin (a–f) and GAD (g–l) colocalized with Lingo-1 positive processes along the PC AIS. GAD-positive fibers surrounding the PC AIS were Lingo-1 positive (arrows in g–l), whereas GAD fibers surrounding PC bodies did not stain for Lingo-1 (arrowheads in j–l). PC bodies (large arrowheads) and PC dendrites in the molecular layer (asterisks) expressed parvalbumin (m, o). Parvalbumin also colocalized with Lingo-1 positive processes (arrows, m–o). GAD-positive basket cell processes (arrows, p–r) connecting two adjacent PC bodies (large arrowheads, p, r) were also positive for Lingo-1.