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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Glia. 2012 Apr 25;60(7):1172–1181. doi: 10.1002/glia.22344

Table 1. Characteristics of patients selected for the study.

Patient and
Sex Age
Time since first
seizure (years)
Antiepileptic drugs at
MRI findings Pathology Immunohistochemical
F 18 3 Valproate, lamotrigine Open lip schizencephaly, R hemisphere Marked gliosis in cortex and
white matter
LM: β-dystroglycan
2 F 28 21 Lamotrigine, zonisamide,
Nonspecific, focal T2 signal
hyperintensities in subcortical white
matter, R frontal lobe
Mild to moderate neuronal
loss with severe reactive
gliosis. Abnormal lamination
and clustering of neurons.
LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
3 M 4 2 Oxcarbazepine Abnormal signal of R amygdala,
hippocampal head and
parahippocampal gyrus with cyst near R
hippocampal head
Oligodendroglioma LM:β-dystroglycan
4 F 49 13 Carbamazepine XR,
phenytoin, lamotrigine
Large mass in R frontal and R temporal
Oligodendroglioma and
LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
5 F 38 <1 Levetiracetam Nonenhancing R hippocampal lesion Glioma LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
6 M 13 9 Phenytoin, levetiracetam,
Large porencephalic cavity in the R MCA
distribution with surrounding gliosis.
Compatible with remote R MCA infarct.
Frequent heterotopic
neurons in molecular layer of
cerebral cortex
7 M 6 Levetiracetam, lamotrigine Abnormal gray matter with local mass-
effect involving L frontal cortex. Possible
localized hemimegalencephaly and
cortical dysplasia.
Cortical dysplasia LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
8 M 69 7 Phenytoin Neoplastic lesion, R temporal lobe Oligodendroglioma LM: MCT2
9 F 10 5 Lamotrigine R temporal tumor Low-grade astrocytoma EM: MCT2
10 M 28 26 Carbamazepine,
Ectopic gray matter adjacent to L
anterior horn. High-signal by FLAIR in R
posterior temporal lobe with
corresponding low T1 signal. Possible
bilateral hippocampal atrophy.
Heterotopic neurons in the
molecular layer of the
dentate gyrus. Subpial glial
cell proliferation.
11 M 44 26 Carbamazepine,
Possible R mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampus w/mild, diffuse
neuronal loss and mild to
moderate increase in
number of white matter glial
F 17 5 Oxcarbazepine,
Heterotopic gray matter in posterior R
temporal lobe white matter with
extension to the atrium and body of the
right lateral ventricle.
Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2
13 M 57 39 Phenytoin, carbamazepine,
topiramate, levetiracetam
Mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: β-dystroglycan
14 F 51 48 Levetiracetam, pregabalin R mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
15 F 40 28 Felbamate, topiramate,
gabapentin, carbamazepine
L hippocampal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2
16 F 42 7 Levetiracetam,
R hippocampal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
17 F 40 37 Carbamazepine,
levetiracetam, zonisamide
L hippocampal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: β-dystroglycan
18 M 62 56 Valproate, levetiracetam,
L mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2
19 F 40 27 Carbamazepine,
Increased T2 signal, L hippocampus Hippocampal sclerosis LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
20 F 30 22 Zonisamide, carbamazepine
R mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis LM: β-dystroglycan
21 F 51 11 Carbamazepine L mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis EM: MCT2
22 F 37 11 Primidone, lamotrigine R mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis EM: MCT2
23 F 15 5 Carbamazepine XR,
L mesial temporal sclerosis Hippocampal sclerosis EM: MCT2
Patient and classification Sex Age (years) Cause of death Immunohistochemical labeling
Autopsy 1 M 33 Adenocarcinoma of lung with widespread metastases LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
2 M 52 Myocardial infarct, coronary atherosclerosis LM: MCT2, β-dystroglycan
3 F 49 Ruptured berry aneurysm, R posterior inferior cerebellar artery LM: MCT2
4 F 76 Peritonitis LM: MCT2
5 M 61 Myocardial infarct, cardiovascular atherosclerosis LM: β-dystroglycan
6 F 62 Dementia, mixed type LM: β-dystroglycan

Abbreviations: L, left; MCA, middle cerebral artery; R, right; XR, extended release