Figure 4. RdCVF2 is essential to maintenance of outer segment length.
(A–C) Ultrastructure of the outer retina in WT, Nxnl1−/− and Nxnl2−/− mice at 12 months of age. The transmission electron microscopy images show the stacked outer segments of the outer nuclear layer. Scale bar : 2 μm. (D) and (E) Scanning electron microscopy on Nxnl2+/+ and Nxnl2−/− retina at 12 months of age showed outer segment morphology. (F) Photoreceptor sensory cilium (PSC) complex was purified and stained with Rho4d2 and RPGRIP antibodies. (G) Outer segments from Nxnl2−/− and control mice at 10 months of age were stained with Rho4D2 antibody. (H) Length of outer segments was evaluated from Nxnl2−/− and control mice at 3 and 10 months of age (n = 3). Scale bars represent 5 μm. (I) Outer segments from control and Nxnl2−/− mouse retina were dissected using laser capture microdissection. Dissected outer segments and whole retina were immunoblotted with rhodopsin and actin antibodies. Quantification was evaluated using Image J software. (J) Representative fluorescence patterns in cryosections 3 months after subretinal injection with AAV2/8-GFP. ONL, outer nuclear layer. Scale bar represents 20 μm. (K) Length of outer segments of Nxnl2−/− mice treated with AAV2/8RdCVF2L.