Figure 1.
Measurement of dendritic ECl in zebrafish RGCs. (A) An example showing light-evoked OFF synaptic responses recorded at different holding potentials from −80 to 0 mV when the ON-OFF RGC was loaded with 14 mM Cl− internal solution under conventional whole-cell recording mode. (B) I–V curves of early (black square) and late (green triangle) components of light-evoked responses. Dendritic ECl, calculated by fitting the I–V curve of the late-phase component with linear regression, is about −60 mV, close to the Cl− equilibrium potential (−59.8 mV). (C) Theoretical (square) and measured (circle) dendritic ECl when the RGCs was loaded with internal solution with different Cl− concentration (4, 8, 14, or 24 mM). The data were obtained from 10 cells at each data point. The values are represented as mean ± SEM.