Figure 3.
Overall view of genes that are differentially expressed in NFP grains as compared to NTS grains over different plant development stages (corresponding to grain filling stages—milky, dough, and mature) and upon different iron supplies (high and low Fe). (A) Expression levels of genes involved in nicotianamine and deoxymugeneic acid synthesis as well as the iron-regulated transporters. (B) Expression levels of genes belonging to yellow stripe like family of transporters and the transporters belonging to zinc-regulated transporter IRT-like proteins (ZIP) family. (C) Expression levels of transcription factors OsIDEF1 and OsIDEF2 as well as other inter- and intra-cellular metal transporters. Data represents the mean of three biological replicates. Note the differences in scale between panels (A), (B), and (C) for relative expression levels of tested genes.