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. 2013 Apr;51(4):1118–1123. doi: 10.1128/JCM.03285-12

Table 1.

Baseline demographic and clinical features

Parameter Value by infecting organisma
P value
P. knowlesi (n = 129) P. falciparum (n = 121) P. vivax (n = 43)
Age (yr)
    Median (IQR) 46 (29–58) 27 (17–40) 24 (18–42) <0.001
    Range 14–83 13–78 13–79
No. of males (%) 96 (74) 87 (71) 33 (77) 0.769
Source of referral (no. of patients [%]) <0.001
    QEH or local health clinic 44 (34) 75 (61) 22 (51)
    District Hospital 86 (66) 47 (39) 21 (49)
No. of patients (%) enrolled pretreatment 34 (26) 42 (34) 12 (28) 0.231
Median time on malaria treatment (h [IQR]) 5.13 (0–11.47) 4.04 (0–11.69) 4.81 (0–9.68) 0.726
No. of patients (%) with severe malaria 38 (29%) 13 (11%) 7 (46%) <0.001
Median parasite density count/μl (IQR [range])
    All patients 8,537 (1,980–35,495 [32–584,015]) 11,610 (4,387–36,977 [16–959,383]) 4,938 (2,848–12,927 [72–84,403]) 0.009
    Nonsevere malaria 4,841 (1,581–14,994 [65–62,360]) 10,937 (4,002–32,326 [16–218,921]) 4,753 (2,369–10,316 [72–46,849]) <0.001
    Severe malaria 80,359 (25,874–168,279 [32–584,015]) 72,270 (27,905–273,909 [625–959,383]) 10,243 (4,387–40,895 [460–84,403]) 0.070
Severity criteria among patients with severe malaria
    Median no. of criteria (range) 2 (1–6) 3 (1–4) 1 (1–2) 0.039
    No. of patients (%) with:
        Hyperparasitemia 18 (47) 2 (15) 0
        Respiratory distress 14 (37) 4 (31) 1 (14)
        Hypotension 13 (34) 6 (49) 3 (43)
        Jaundice 20 (53) 9 (69) 2 (29)
        Acute kidney injury 9 (24) 3 (23) 0
        Metabolic acidosis 4 (11) 4 (31) 0
        Severe anemia 2 (5) 2 (15) 0
        Abnormal bleeding 2 (5) 1 (8) 1 (14)
        Multiple convulsions 0 0 1 (14)
        Coma 0 0 0

Table includes data previously reported (11).


Boldface indicates significant values.