Fig 1.
Asf1 with an amber stop codon replacing residue 210 displays increased silencing over wild-type Asf1. (A) Alignment of human and yeast Asf1 proteins generated using multiple-sequence alignment (MSA) (61). The conserved globular core of Asf1 is shaded in gray. Conserved residues are shaded, and similar residues are colored the same, using blue (basic), red (acidic), yellow (hydrophobic), and green (polar). yAsf1 deletion endpoints later replaced with BPA are marked with cyan stars. All chimeric proteins used in this study contain the conserved core up to and including Trp153 (marked with a yellow star). (B) ROY1172, carrying an empty pRS314 vector (ASF1 CAC1), and ROY1169-based strains (asf1Δ cac1Δ), carrying either an empty pRS314 vector (asf1Δ cac1Δ) or a pRS314-Asf1-UAG-Myc plasmid encoding Asf1 proteins that are wild type or truncated at the indicated residues, were plated on the indicated media. (C) Summary of truncations and deletions with their silencing phenotypes, with minus signs indicating lack of silencing and plus signs indicating the relative strength of silencing.