Figure 8. Pectoral girdle and forelimbs of Jianchangosaurus yixianensis gen. et sp. nov.
A, Left pectoral girdle in lateral view and right humerus in ventral view. The scapula and coracoid are unfused. Scapular blade is straight and narrow. The coracoid is semicircular in shape. B, Left humerus, ulna, radius, and distal carpal (radiale). The forelimb is gracile. C, Disarticulated left metacarpals and manual digits. All metacarpals are preserved but some manual phalanges (II-1, III-1, III-2, and III-4) are missing. D, Right ulna, distal carpals (left, radiale; right, unidentified distal carpal), metacarpals, and manual phalanges. Metacarpal I shows a rectangular buttress for a contact with metacarpal II. Abbreviations: fur, furcula; g, gastralia; see caption of Figure 1 for other abbreviations. Scale bars are 5 cm. The scale bar on D is for panels B–D.