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. 2013 May 12;2013:313858. doi: 10.1155/2013/313858

Table 2.

Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs.

Drug Use Dosage Adverse effects Mechanism
Abatacept Monotherapy in moderate severe RA or with DMARDs 500/1000 mg iv for 2 weeks then for 4 weeks Headache, blood hypertension, nausea, infections respiratory system, vertigo, and severe infection Modulator of T-lymphocyte activation

Adalimumab Moderate or severe AR 40 mg sc. for 2 weeks Myositis, headache, rash, nausea, blood hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and higher plasma transaminases levels Anti-TNF-α

Anakinra Monotherapy in moderate/severe RA in patient with ≥1 DMARD not efficacy 100 mg/die sc. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, fever, and infections of respiratory system Anti-IL-1

Certolizumab Moderate or severe AR 400 mg sc. for 2 weeks then 200 mg for 2 weeks Rash, headache, blood hypertension, fever, and asthenia Anti-TNF-α

Etanercept Moderate or severe AR with DMARD 50 mg/weeks sc. Pain into injection site, infections, headache, rash, vertigo, and asthenia Anti-TNF-α

Golimumab RA M/S with MTX 50 mg/month sc. Blood hypertension, higher plasma transaminases levels, and
vertigo, rhinitis

Infliximab Moderate or severe AR with MTX 3 mg/kg iv one time then on 2 and 6 weeks Fever, headache, rash, myalgia, asthenia, dyspnea, and higher plasma transaminases levels Anti-TNF-α

Rituximab Moderate or severe AR, with MTX in patient and without response to ≥1 anti-TNF-α agent 1000 mg iv in days 1 and 15 then at 24 weeks Fever, nausea, hypotension, itching, and myelosuppression Modulator of B-cell activation