Fig. 2. Tim-3 is over-expressed on CD14+ monocytes, which positively correlates with up-regulation of IL-23p19 and negatively correlates with IL-12p35 expression in HCV-infected HBV-NR and HBV-R or HS.
Purified CD14+ monocytes from chronically HCV-infected HBV-NR (n=22) and HBV-R (n=25) or HS (n=16) were stimulated with or without TLR ligands LPS and R848 for 6h, then immune stained with conjugated antibodies against Tim-3, IL-12p35 and IL-23p19, followed by flow cytometric analysis. A) The representative overlay histogram of Tim-3 expression on CD14+ monocytes from HCV-infected HBV-NR (red line) and HBV-R (blue line) versus HS (black line) against isotype control (grey filled area) is shown on the left. The percentage of positive cell frequency and the MFI of Tim-3 expression level on gated CD14+ cells in HCV-infected HBV-NR versus HBV-R or HS are shown on the right. Each symbol represents an individual subject, and the horizontal bars represent median values. *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001. B) The correlation between Tim-3 expression and the ratio of IL-23p19/IL-12p35 production by CD14+ monocytes from HBV-NR and HBV-R of HCV-infected individuals as well as HS, analysis by Pearson Correlation with 2-tailed significance. *P<0.05.