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. 2013 May 30;9(5):e1003063. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003063

Table 2. Sequence Redundancy in Top-50 Annotating Articles.

Species num. articles num. prot Clusters at 100% % redundancy Mean genes/cluster
C. elegans 12 8416 3338 60 3.74
A. thaliana 16 8879 4694 47 3.92
M. musculus 3 4220 2273 46 2.75
M. tuberculosis 2 2351 1702 28 2.22
S. cerevisiae 5 3542 2550 28 2.33
H. sapiens 4 5593 4509 19 2.36
D. melanogaster 3 1217 1003 18 2.17
S. pombe 2 4502 4281 5 2.00

Species: annotated species; num. articles number of annotating articles; num. prot: number of proteins annotated by top-50 articles for that species; Clusters at 100%: number of clusters of 100% identical proteins; % redundancy: the product of column 4 by column 3: this is the percentage of proteins annotated more than once for a given species in the top 50 articles; Mean genes/cluster: the mean number of genes per cluster, for clusters having more than a single gene.