Analysis of PtrbHLH binding to E-box elements in the promoter region of a POD gene. A, Schematic structures of the yeast one-hybrid effector (pGADT7-PtrbHLH) and reporter vector pHIS2-E1/E2/E3/E4 (E1, E2, E3, and E4 indicate the four putative E-box elements). B, Growth of yeast (strain Y187) cells transformed with the effector plasmid and the reporter plasmid on SD/−Leu/−Trp/−His supplemented with or without 60 mm 3-AT. N, Negative control (p53HIS2 plus pGAD-PtrbHLH); P, positive control (p53HIS2 plus pGAD-53). C, Schematic structures of the effector (p1301-PtrbHLH) and reporter vector (E-box-m35S-GUS or m35S-GUS) used for transient expression analysis. D, GUS staining of representative leaf pieces infiltrated with only reporters (top panel) or those coinfiltrated with the effector and the reporters (E-box-m35S-GUS; bottom panel). − indicates the absence of effector (top panel) or reporters (bottom panel). [See online article for color version of this figure.]