Short-term distribution of zinc, rubidium, and strontium in wild-type rice and oshma2 mutants. The wild-type rice ‘Nipponbare’ and two oshma2 mutants (NF4888 and NF9856) were grown hydroponically till just before heading. 67Zn stable isotope, rubidium, and strontium were fed from nutrient solution for 2 d. Distribution ratio of ΔZn (A), ΔRb (B), and ΔSr (C) within the above-ground tissues were calculated from net increase of each element in each part. Error bars represent ± sd of four independent biological replicates. Statistical comparison was performed by one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey’s multiple comparison test. All data were compared with cv Nipponbare (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01).