(A) G2-X MADM events result in near complete uniparental chromosomal disomy labeled in green (PP) and red (MM) fluorescent colors, respectively.
(B) Chromosomal location of Hipp7 (Chr.7) and John12 (Chr.12) genomic loci with inserted MADM cassettes.
(C and D) P21 livers from MADM-7GT/TG;Hprt-Cre+/- mice with uniparental Chr.7 disomy.
(E and F) P21 livers from MADM-12GT/TG;Hprt-Cre+/- mice with uniparental Chr.12 disomy.
Depending on whether the GT and TG alleles were introduced from the father (blue) or the mother (pink), unipaternal disomy cells are labeled in green (C and E) or in red (D and F) as indicated. Scale bar: 200μm.
(G) Quantification of the PP/MM ratios of liver UPD hepatocytes in cryosections in P21 MADM-7GT/TG;HprtCre/+ [MADM-7] and MADM-12GT/TG;HprtCre/+ [MADM-12; n=16 from 3 individual male mice). For detailed methods of quantifying the PP/MM ratio in MADM-7 P21 liver, see also Figure 4 and Figure S4.
See also Figure S1.