Fig. 1.
(A) Western blots of Adonis (25 kDa light chain) binding to PBMC from the 10 patients. For each patient, 6 doses of Adonis were tested in duplicate on separate gels and one representative set of blots is shown. (B) Binding curves giving Bmax and KD values. Curves derived from the pixel analysis of the Adonis light chain blots. (C) Dose–response curves giving Emax and EC50 values for the 10 patients. For each set of curves, 2 representative curves are in black, the 8 other ones are in gray. Patient numbers are at right of the curves. Results expressed in arbitrary units (AU) as defined in Materials and methods are means ± SD of duplicates. (D) Comparison of KD (black circles) and EC50 (black squares) values interpolated from complete binding and dose–response curves with Adonis. Results are expressed in μM. Each symbol with the corresponding patient number represents individual mean value. Horizontal bars are means ± SEM for the 10 patients.