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. 2013 May 23;69(Pt 6):618–623. doi: 10.1107/S1744309113012931

Table 1. Data-collection and refinement statistics for SeMet PatF (PDB entry 4bg2).

Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell (where applicable).

Data collection
 Beamline I04, DLS
 Wavelength (Å) 0.979
 Space group P21
 Unit-cell parameters (Å, °) a = 47.08, b = 135.80, c = 48.74, α = γ = 90.0, β = 118.5
 Resolution range (Å) 35.32–2.13 (2.19–2.13)
 Total No. of reflections 280235
 No. of unique reflections 29355
 Multiplicity 9.5 (9.8)
 Completeness (%) 97.9 (97.5)
 Mean I/σ(I) 14.0 (3.5)
R merge 0.10 (0.69)
 Anomalous completeness (%) 97.9 (97.6)
 Anomalous multiplicity 4.8 (4.9)
R work/R free (%) 19.0/22.1
 R.m.s.d., bond lengths (Å) 0.009
 R.m.s.d., angles (°) 1.314
 No. of atoms
  Protein 4865
  Water 86
B factors (Å2)
  Protein 41.6
  Water 40.0