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. 2013 Jun;77(2):277–321. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00010-13


Different types of bacterial acyltransferases presented in this reviewa

Enzyme type Model enzyme(s) Physiological function(s) Reaction catalyzed Acyl donor(s) Acyl acceptor(s) Catalytic site
WS/DGAT AtfA from A. baylyi WE and/or TAG storage O-Acylation of (fatty) alcohol or DAG with acyl-CoA Saturated or unsaturated acyl-CoAs (C2-C20; preferred, C16) Linear alcohols (C2-C30; preferred, C14-C18); branched, cyclic, or aromatic alcohols; MAG or DAG, long-chain alkanediols, thiols, and dithiols; glycidol HHxxxDG motif with catalytically active His
GPAT PlsB from E. coli (but most bacteria have PlsY instead) 1-Acylglycerol-3-phosphate (lysophosphatidate) synthesis O-Acylation of sn-1 position of glycerol-3-phosphate with acyl-CoA or -ACP C16 or C18:1 acyl-CoA or -ACP (PlsY, acylphosphate) Glycerol-3-phosphate HxxxxD motif catalytic dyad with catalytically active His (PlsY, catalytic His)
LPAAT PlsC from E. coli Phosphatidate synthesis O-Acylation of sn-2 position of lysophosphatidate Acyl-CoA or -ACP 1-Acylglycerol-3-phosphate (lysophosphatidate) HxxxxD motif (like GPATs)
Lpx acyltransferases LpxA and LpxD from E. coli First two acylation steps in lipid A biosynthesis O- and N-acylation of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-3-acylglucosamine 3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP (C14) UDP-N-acetylglucosamine and UDP-3-O-(3-hydroxymyristoyl)-glucosamine Catalytically active His (putatively stabilized by adjacent Asp)
LpxL from E. coli (homologs: LpxM, LpxP) Secondary acylation steps in lipid A biosynthesis O-Acylation of 3-hydroxy fatty acids attached to lipid A precursor (Kdo2-IVA) Acyl-ACP (C12) (LpxL, acyl-ACP or -CoA; LpxP, C16:1 acyl-ACP) Kdo2-IVA (tetra-acylated lipid A intermediate) HxxxxD/E motif (like GPATs)
Polyketide-associated acyltransferases PapA5 from M. tuberculosis Synthesis of polyketide-containing complex lipids (e.g., PGL or PDIM) O-Acylations of phthiocerol with two mycocerosate residues Unknown donor for mycocerosyl residues; in vitro, long-chain acyl-CoAs (preferred, C16) (Phenol)phthiocerol, glycosylphenolphthiocerol, linear alcohols (C8–C10; preferred, C8) (H)HxxxD(G)x13-14Y motif with catalytically active His
PapA1 and PapA2 from M. tuberculosis Synthesis of sulfolipid 1 (SL-1) O-Acylation of trehalose-2-sulfate Unknown donor for hydroxyphthioceranoyl residue, C16 acyl-CoA Trehalose-2-sulfate and trehalose-2-sulfate-2′-palmitate HxxxD(G)x13-14Y motif
PapA3 from M. tuberculosis Synthesis of polyketide-containing polyacyltrehalose (PAT) Successive (?) O-acylations of a trehalose core Unknown donor for mycolipenoyl residue, C16 acyl-CoA (Acylated) trehalose HxxxDx14Y motif
PapA4 from M. marinum Synthesis of polyketide-containing lipooligosaccharides (LOS) Successive (?) O-acylations of the trehalose section of LOS Unknown donor for 2,4-dimethylhexadecanoate and 2,4-dimethyl-2-pentadecenoate residues (Acylated) trehalose HxxxDx14Y motif
Rif-Orf20 from A. mediterranei Rifamycin B biosynthesis O-Acetylation of a rifamycin B intermediate Acetyl-CoA (propionyl-CoA) Rifamycin intermediate HxxxDx14Y motif
Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase Type III CAT from E. coli Inactivation of chloramphenicol O-Acetylation of chloramphenicol Acetyl-CoA Chloramphenicol HHxxxDG motif catalytically active His
RtxC acyltransferases HlyA from E. coli Synthesis of (proteinaceous) leukotoxins N-Acylation of lysine residues of the protoxin Acyl-ACPs (C12-C18, C16:1, C18:1; preferred, C14) ε-Amino groups of lysine Catalytically active His and crucial Ser residue (covalent acyl-HlyC heterocomplex)
Lipase ? Hydrolysis of acylglycerols ? ? ? Catalytic triad composed of histidine, serine (in lipase box), and aspartate
PHA synthase ? Polymerization of 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids to PHA ? ? ? Catalytic triad composed of histidine, cysteine (in modified lipase box), and aspartate
PhaG transacylase PhaG from P. putida Metabolic link between de novo fatty acid synthesis and PHAMCL synthesis (Reversible) transfer of 3-hydroxyacyl-chain from ACP to CoA 3-Hydroxyacyl-ACP (or -CoA); preferred, 3-hydroxy-C10 CoA (or ACP) HxxxxD/A motif, but different mechanism via catalytic triad (composed of Ser, His, and Asp residues)
RhlA RhlA from P. aeruginosa Metabolic link between de novo fatty acid synthesis and rhamnolipid synthesis (synthesis of HAA) O-Acylation of the 3-hydroxy group of 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP 3-Hydroxyacyl-ACPs (preferred, 3-hydroxy-C10) (3-Hydroxy group of a) 3-hydroxyacyl-residue Potentially similar mechanism as for PhaG with a catalytic triad

The given catalyzed reactions and (preferred) acyl donors or acceptors refer to the respective model enzyme of each type.