Fig. 1. Life span analysis of plasmid-transformed yeast.
The number of daughter cells (generations) produced per mother cell are plotted as a function of mother cell viability. A, life span curves of strain W303AR5 (46) grown on SD (synthetic dextrose) and S + D (dextrose added after autoclaving) media at 30 °C during the daytime and stored overnight (~12 h) at 4 °C or 14 °C. The number (n) of mother cells analyzed per curve is as follows: SD4 °C,n = 60; SD 14 °C,n = 59; S + D 14 °C, n = 60. B, life span curves of W303AR5 transformed with plasmid pJPA113 (ARS1), pJPA116 (ARS1, CEN4), or pJPA138 (2 μ ori) and control strain yAF6 (URA3) (n = 55, 47, 57, and 58, respectively). C, life span curves of W303AR5 transformed with plasmids pJPA133 (ARS1), pJPA136 (ARS1, CEN4), pJPA148 (2 μ ori), and control strain yAF5 (LEU2) (n = 38, 33, 41, and 59, respectively). D, life span curves of W303AR5 transformed with pJPA116 (ARS1, CEN4) determined on SD and YPD (n = 45 and 49, respectively). Life spans of control strains yAF6 and W303AR5 were determined on YPD (n = 50 and 55, respectively). Plasmids are described in Table I.