pEKEx2-AcnR-STREP derivatives |
K43A |
Almost complete abolishment of DNA binding |
K55A |
Complete abolishment of DNA binding |
K104A |
Dimer interface |
DNA affinity close to wild-type protein |
E65A |
Beginning of α4 |
Maybe involved in signal transduction to the DNA binding domain, no effect on DNA binding |
D66A |
Beginning of α4 |
Maybe involved in signal transduction to the DNA binding domain, no effect on DNA binding |
R99A |
P pocket |
Weaker binding to DNA |
D109A |
Protein surface |
No effect on DNA binding |
R130A |
D pocket |
Hydrogen-bonds to citrate, does not change its affinity to DNA in the presence of citrate-Mg2+
R141A |
Protein surface |
No effect on DNA binding |
D143A |
Protein surface |
No effect on DNA binding |
D158A |
P pocket |
Weaker binding to DNA |
E181A |
D pocket |
Binds Mg ion, does not change its affinity to DNA in the presence of citrate-Mg2+
R185A |
D pocket |
Hydrogen-bonds to citrate, does not change its affinity to DNA in the presence of citrate-Mg2+
pET-TEV-AcnR derivatives |
C23A |
Within α1 |
No obvious difference in behavior, |
R69A |
P pocket |
No obvious difference in behavior |
M70A |
P pocket |
No obvious difference in behavior |
M86A |
P pocket |
No obvious difference in behavior |
R92A |
P pocket |
No obvious difference in behavior |
W95A |
P pocket |
No obvious difference in behavior |
R130A |
D pocket |
Does not change its affinity to DNA in the presence of citrate-Mg2+