Figure 7. Disruption of HSPG-mediated TRL clearance enhances atherosclerosis development.
(A and B) Lipoproteins from pooled plasma samples (n = 6) from Apoe–/–Ndst1f/fAlbCre– (filled circles) and Apoe–/–Ndst1f/fAlbCre+ (open circles) mice were analyzed by FPLC gel filtration, and the amount of (A) triglyceride and (B) cholesterol was determined. (C and D) 6-month-old Apoe–/–Ndst1f/fAlbCre– (n = 8) and Apoe–/–Ndst1f/fAlbCre+ (n = 12) mice on standard chow diets were analyzed for spontaneous atherosclerosis development. (C) Plaque formation in the aortic arch from males (squares) and females (circles) was quantified. (D) 3 representative images of stained aortas from females for each genotype.