Parallel detection of miR-205, miR-375, and 28S rRNA in FFPE BCC and MCC tissue
sections (samples BCC1 and MCC1) by multicolor miRNA FISH. Probes (25 nM each)
were cohybridized at 55°C for 16 hours in buffer containing 50%
formamide and 1.0 M NaCl (probe sequences are listed in Supplemental Table 6).
miR-205 was detected using a 14-nt fluorescein-hexalabeled LNA-modified probe and
anti-fluorescein-HRP antibody with and tyramide/ATTO-532 signal amplification.
miR-375 was detected using a 15-nt biotin-hexalabeled LNA-modified probe with
HRP-conjugated streptavidin and tyramide/ATTO-488 signal amplification. miR-205
signal intensities were higher in (A) BCC than in (G)
MCC, whereas miR-375 signal intensities were conversely higher in (H)
MCC than in (B) BCC, consistent with our small RNA sequencing
results. (C and I) 28S rRNA was detected without signal
amplification by a cocktail of 4 fluorescent ATTO-647N–conjugated
probes. 28S rRNA signals were similar for both BCC and MCC and used to normalize
miR-205 and miR-375 signals. (D and J) Nuclei were
visualized using DAPI staining. (E and K) Merged images
depict BCC in yellow and MCC in green, enabling rapid tumor identification.
(F and L) H&E-stained tissue sections
illustrate the potential for histologic similarity between BCC and MCC. Exposure
times are indicated in ms. Representative areas, indicated by white rectangles,
illustrate signal localization at higher magnification in insets. Original
magnification, ×20; ×60 (insets). Scale bar: 50
μm (inset); 300 μm.