Figure 1. Generation of Lmnb1BAC mice.
(A) Map of the genomic insert in the BAC RP23-460J18 clone (RPCI library, C57BL/6J) used to generate mice with increased dosage of lamin B1 (Lmnb1BAC mice). The genomic insert is 177.20-kb long and contains the entire Lmnb1 locus. Black boxes represent lamin B1–coding sequences, and light gray lines indicate the BAC vector (pBACe3.6) sequence. Primers used for detection of the transgene are shown (T7 side: F1R1; SP6 side: F2, R2). (B) Representative Western blot of lamin B1 and α-tubulin in hemibrain lysates from Lmnb1BAC lines and WT mice at 12 months of age. (C) Quantification of Western blots normalized to α-tubulin. (D) qRT-PCR of lamin B1 transcript levels normalized to GAPDH from corresponding Lmnb1BAC mice hemibrains. Error bars represent mean ± SEM from 4 independent experiments.