Figure 3. Lamin B1 overexpression results in seizures.
Spontaneous EEG activity over the parietal cortex of Lmnb1BAC and WT mice was recorded for 24 hours. (A) EEG recordings from the left and right hemisphere, respectively, are shown for a representative transgenic mouse overexpressing lamin B1 (top traces) or a WT control (bottom traces). Arrowheads mark interictal spikes. (B) Quantification of interictal spikes over 24-hour recordings indicates the occurrence of spontaneous epileptiform activity in Lmnb1BAC mice specifically. n = 10 animals per genotypic group. (C) Histogram quantifying percentage of animals seizing after the administration of 30 mg/kg of PTZ. n = 9 animals per genotypic group. Values are expressed as means ± SEM. *P < 0.05.