PTEN only mutated patients in the BFM-2000 medium-risk group show the worst long-term outcome. (A) Kaplan-Meier estimate of pEFS in the four different combinations of PTEN, NOTCH1 genotypes (total cohort n=301). (B) pCIR in the four different combinations of PTEN, NOTCH1 genotypes (total cohort n=301) (C) Kaplan-Meier estimate of pEFS in NOTCH1 and PTEN mutated, NOTCH1 and PTEN non-mutated, and NOTCH1 non-mutated and PTEN mutated patients stratified into the medium risk group (n=154) (D) Kaplan-Meier estimate of pEFS in NOTCH1 andPTEN mutated, NOTCH1 and PTEN non-mutated, and NOTCH1 non-mutated and PTEN mutated patients stratified into the high-risk group (n=53).