Fig. 2.
CREB family activity cycles with the Notch clock in the PSM. (A–C) P-CREB staining of E10.5 PSM halves. (A) Left and right halves fixed immediately (t0) are both in Phase 1 (P1). (B) Phase 3 (t0, Left) to Phase 1 (Δt = 75, Right) transition (P3→P1) is found after culture for 75 min. (C) Phase 1 P-CREB pattern (t0, Left) completes one full cycle (P1→P1) in the right half cultured for 110 min (Δt = 110). Diagrams for results in A–C are directly below; solid lines indicate somite boundaries; asterisk indicates new somite; arrows indicate P-CREB stripes. (D–I) Immunofluorescence of P-CREB (green; D–F) and NICD (red; G–I) on E10.5 tail horizontal sections (anterior to the left): (D and G) Phase 1 (n = 3/20), (E and H) Phase 2 (n = 10/20), and (F and I) Phase 3 (n = 7/20) are paired adjacent sections; white dotted lines indicate the boundary between S0 and S+1; white solid lines indicate areas of P-CREB and NICD signal. Schematics depicting that P-CREB (green) oscillates in parallel with NICD (red) are directly below. In the schematic illustration (Bottom), black line depicts region I and green line is region II.