Figure 4.
Object-selective activations in the mid-fusiform gyrus (FUS_obj). a, The FUS_obj was defined in each participant as a cluster of contiguous object-selective voxels with activation peaking in the mid-fusiform gyrus (objects > textures, p < 10−6, uncorrected). Blue lines point to the right FUS_obj in coronal, sagittal, and horizontal views from a representative TD participant. Color bar indicates t values. b, Same as a but from a representative WS participant. c, Bars show the volume of the FUS_obj, defined as a contiguous cluster of object-selective activation (objects > textures) peaking in the mid-fusiform gyrus (mFG) plotted as in Figure 2c. Error bars show group SEM. There were no significant (NS) between-group differences. d, For each participant, the percentage of object-selective activation (objects > textures) in the mid-fusiform was calculated and plotted as in Figure 2d. Error bars show group SEM. e, Responses from the FUS_obj (objects > textures, p < 10−4, uncorrected) to visual stimuli are plotted as in Figure 2e. In the right hemisphere, there was a significant group-by-category interaction (p < 0.04, F test, ANOVA) due to significantly higher response magnitudes to faces in WS than in TD participants (†p < 0.04, one-tailed t test). Note that the response magnitudes are not independent of the data used to select FUS_obj. Error bars show group SEM.