Figure 1.
The NL3R451C knock-in mutation enhances correlated network activity in the immature hippocampus. (A) Whole cell voltage-clamp (upper traces) and extracellular field recordings (lower traces) of GDPs recorded at P5 in hippocampal slices obtained from WT (black) and NL3R451C mice (gray). (B) GDPs from the traces in (A) shown on an expanded time scale. (C) Cumulative probability plots of inter-event intervals and areas of inward currents underlying GDPs recorded from WT (n = 24) and NL3R451C mice (n = 17) between P4 and P9. Curves in the plots referring to WT and R451C KI mice are significantly different (p < 0.01; p < 0.01; K–S test).