Table 3.
Primary Measurements in Bone Histomorphometry
Type of measurement | Name of measurement | 3D | 2D |
Area | Bone volumea | BV | B.Ar |
Osteoid volume | OV | O.Ar | |
Mineralized volume | Md.V | Md.Ar | |
Void volume | Vd.V | Vd.Ar | |
Marrow volume | Ma.V | Ma.Ar | |
Fibrosis volume | Fb.V | Fb.Ar | |
Canal volumeb | Ca.V | Ca.Ar | |
Cell volumeb,c | Ce.V | Ce.Ar | |
Cytoplasmic volumeb,d | Cy.V | Cy.Ar | |
Nuclear volumeb,d | Nc.V | Nc.Ar | |
Length | Bone interfacee | BI | B.Bd |
Bone surfacef | BS | B.Pm | |
Osteoid surface | OS | O.Pm | |
Eroded surface | ES | E.Pm | |
Quiescent surfaceg | QS | Q.Pm | |
Mineralized surfaceh | Md.S | Md.Pm | |
Osteoblast surface | Ob.S | Ob.Pm | |
Single-labeled surfacei | sLS | sL.Pm | |
Double-labeled surfacei | dLS | dL.Pm | |
Osteoclast surface | Oc.S | Oc.Pm | |
Reversal surfacej | Rv.S | Rv.Pm | |
Distancek | Cortical thicknessl | Ct.Th | Ct.Wi |
Wall thickness | W.Th | W.Wi | |
Mineralized thickness | Md.Th | Md.Wi | |
Osteoid thickness | O.Th | O.Wi | |
Label thickness | L.Th | L.Wi | |
Trabecular thicknessm | Tb.Th | Tb.Wi | |
Interstitial thickness | It.Th | It.Wi | |
Trabecular diametern | Tb.Dm | —o | |
Canal radius | Ca.Rd | —o | |
Cell heightc | Ce.Ht | —o | |
Nuclear heightd | Nc.Ht | —o | |
Erosion depth | E.De | —o | |
Numberp | Osteoblast number | — | N.Ob |
Osteoclast number | — | N.Oc | |
Osteocyte number | — | N.Ot | |
Adipocyte number | — | N.Ad | |
Nuclear numberd | — | N.Nc | |
Canal number | — | N.Ca | |
Seam number | — | N.Sm | |
Erosion number | — | NE | |
Profile number | — | N.Pf |
Area in 2D.
Potential confusion between tissue aggregates and individual structures; see text.
Specify cell type if needed, eg, Oc.V or Oc.Ar.
Qualify by cell type if needed, eg, Oc.Nc.V.
Boundary in 2D.
Perimeter in 2D.
BS – (OS + ES).
ES + QS.
Alternative terms are single- (or double-) labeled interface (sLI, dLI).
ES – Oc.S.
Between points or lines.
Width in 2D; for the cortex, width and thickness are numerically equal, but for other measurements, thickness = width divided by 4/π or by 1.2.
Assumes that trabeculae are thin plates;(54) = 2/(BS/BV).
Assumes that trabeculae are cylindrical rods;(58) = 4/(BS/BV).
No unique corresponding term in 2D.
No 3D equivalent by standard methods; with appropriate referent could be referred to as density. For further details, see text.