Fig. 6.
Analysis of surface expression of podoplanin on joint cells from TNF-Tg mice. Cells were isolated from ankle joints of two TNF-Tg mice, stained with FITC-CD11b and PE-podoplanin antibodies and subjected to imaging cytometry analysis. A) Representative imagery from CD11b+ cells shows the surface expression of podoplanin. Yellow signal in “overlay” column is the combination of green (CD11b signal) and red (podoplanin) signals. B) Histogram shows that 66% of podoplanin+ cells express CD11b, while only 34% of podoplanin+ cells are CD11b-negative. C) Histogram overlay of podoplanin staining on CD11b+ (pink) and CD11b− (blue) cells. The mean fluorescence intensity of podoplanin CD11b+ cells is 7613, while for CD11b-cells it is 3332.