Figure 7.
Phylogenetic analysis of KAR5-CRD-containing proteins. (A) Alignment of KAR5-CRD-containing proteins. Sequences are denoted by NCBI gene accession numbers followed by species information. Starting and ending residue numbers (italics) are shown before and after the sequences, respectively. The lengths of proteins are shown in brackets. Insertions are replaced by the numbers of residues in parentheses. Conserved cysteines are highlighted on a black background. Positions with mainly hydrophobic residues are shaded in yellow. Consensus secondary structure predictions are shown below the sequences. (h) Predicted α-helix. XP_687980.1 is the Brambleberry protein (Abrams et al. 2012). (B) Phylogenetic tree generated using MOLPHY illustrating the relationships of KAR5-CRD-containing proteins. (C) Diagram illustrating that GEX1 has been used during evolution for both nuclear fusion and meiosis.