Figure 15.14.1.
Figure 15.14.1AHistopathology of EAM. Panels A and B are low-power (20×) and panels C and D are high-power (320×) photomicrographs of hematoxylin and eosin–stained cross-sections from hearts of A/J mice. Panels A and C demonstrate severe myocarditis in a mouse immunized with cardiac myosin. Panels B and D demonstrate uninflamed myocardium from a control mouse immunized with CFA only. (From Stacy Smith, MD and Paul Allen, PhD, Washington University, St Louis)
Figure 15.14.1B. Myocarditis in male BALB/cJ mice infected with the H3 variant of CVB3. Male mice, 5–7 weeks of age were injected i.p. with 50 PFU H3 virus PBS or with PBS without virus (uninfected). Mice were killed 7 days after i.p. injection. Hearts were formalin fixed, paraffin embedded, sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histology is shown at 4X and 20X magnification. (From Sally Huber, PhD, University of Vermont, Colchester, VT)