(a) The sequence of MEG-14 (line 1). Residues from the signal peptide and transmembrane tether are highlighted in gray and yellow, respectively. For the soluble domain, the secondary structure predictions with GOR4 (ssp1, line 2) and with PSIPRED (ssp2, line3) have the code c, coil; e, extended strand; the disorder prediction with RONN and Spritz (dp1, line 4), FoldIndex (dp2, line 5) and GlobPlot2 (dp3, line 6) has the code = D, disordered; -; ordered; the disorder binding region prediction (dbr, line 7) is in green; and prediction of antigenic peptides (ap, line 8) is in pink. Proline residues are colored in blue and charged residues in red. (b) Size exclusion chromatography of MEG-14 soluble domain on Superdex-75 column. Peak I represents MEG-14 and peak II the elution of imidazole. Inset: SDS-PAGE of MEG-14.