Fig. 4.
Analysis of the ESAG9-EQ 3′UTR element sequence using a CAT reporter gene assay. (A) CAT protein expression from the constructs shown, as a percentage of expression from one clone of unmodified vector (control). The number of biological replicates (independently derived clones) used was: full-length: 5; element deletion (eΔ): 6; and element insertion (eI): 4; each with 1–2 experimental replicates. Values are means ± s.e.m. of biological replicates. The data for the full-length 3′UTR construct clones from Fig. 2A is repeated here. At the left of the graph are schematic representations of the sequence analysed in each construct, where ‘A’ signifies the polyadenylation site location and the red line indicates the regulatory element location. (B) Northern blot analysis of CAT mRNA, with RNA from the ΔALD vector and two biological replicates of each of the full-length, eΔ, and eI constructs. The lower panel shows the ethidium bromide-staining of the rRNA present in each sample analysed, to indicate the loading of each lane.