Figure 7. βgal96-specific CD8+ T cell memory inflation critically depends on CD4+ T cell help, but is immunoproteasome-independent.
(A, B) No priming and expansion of βgal96-specific CD8+ T cells without CD4 T cell help. B6 and MHC-II-KO mice were immunized intravenously with 2×109 pfu Ad-LacZ. Tetramer analysis for βgal96-specific CD8+ T cells was performed on day 21, 50 and 100 after immunization. (A)Expansion of βgal96-specific CD8+ T cells in blood of B6 (black circles) and MHC-II-KO (black squares, dashed line) mice. (B) Tetramer analysis of CD8+ T lymphocytes from spleen, liver and lung of B6 (black bars) and MHC-II-KO (grey bars) mice on day 100 after immunization. Mean percentage of tetramer-positive cells within the CD8+ T cell compartment is indicated (±SEM; blood B6 d21 n=3, d50 n=3, d100 n=3; blood MHC-II-KO d21 n=4, d50 n=4, d100 n=4; spleen, liver and lung B6 d100 n=3; spleen, liver and lung MHC-II-KO d100 n=4; data from a single experiment. This experiment was performed in the animal facility in St. Gallen). (C) Inflationary potential expressed by the ratio of percentage of tetramer-positive CD8+ T cells from day 100 to day 21 in B6 and MHC-II-deficient mice.
(D-G) B6 and LMP7-KO mice were immunized intravenously with 2×109 pfu Ad-LacZ. (D)Tetramer staining for βgal96-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes on d21 in blood of C57BL/6 (left) and LMP7-KO (right) mice, gated on live lymphocytes. (E) Expansion of βgal96-specific CD8 T cells in blood of B6 (black circles) and LMP7-KO (black squares, dotted line). (F) Tetramer staining for βgal497-specific CD8+ lymphocytes on d21 in blood of C57BL/6 (left) and LMP7-KO (right) mice, gated on live lymphocytes. (G) Expansion of βgal497-specific CD8+ T cells in blood of B6 (solid/continuous line) and LMP7-KO (dotted line). Mean percentage of tetramer-positive cells within the CD8+ T cell compartment is indicated. Pooled data from two independent experiments for each time point are shown (±SEM; blood B6 d21 n= 10, d50 n=10, d100 n=13; blood LMP7-KO d21 n= 10, d50 n=9, d100 n=5).