Figure 2. The ORR performance of N-Fe-CNT/CNP composite and Pt/C catalysts.
Steady-state RDE polarization plots obtained using 20 mV potential step and 25 s potential hold time at every step; electrolyte 0.1 M NaOH; temperature 25 °C; rotation rate 900 r.p.m. ORR at the N-Fe-CNT/CNP catalyst measured in a negative-going scan; ORR at the Pt/C catalyst measured in a positive-going scan; insets zooming on low overpotential region. (a) ORR polarization plots before cycling durability test. (b) ORR polarization plots measured during cycling durability in O2-saturated 0.1 M NaOH (cycling in the potential range 0.6–1.0 V at 50 mV s−1; N-Fe-CNT/CNP loading 1.0 mg cm−2). (c) Tafel plots for the N-Fe-CNT/CNP catalyst before and after 5,000 cycles in an O2-saturated electrolyte (Tafel slope calculated by linear regression method in the intermediate range of current densities, 10−2–101 mA cm−2). (d) ORR polarization plots after 5,000 cycles in O2-saturated electrolyte.