Figure 3.
Trait negative affect shows opposing effects on the amygdala and medial prefrontal cortex. A–C, Coronal slices display the correlation strengths between the volumes of each subcortical structure (based on automated segmentations; Fischl et al., 2002) and trait negative affect across the entire sample (A), as well as for the female (B) and male (C) participants. Correlations partial out variance associated with collection site, scanner software, estimated IQ, age, sex, and estimated intracranial volume (Buckner et al., 2004). D–F, Surface-based renderings of the left midline reflect the strength of the correlation between each vertex and negative affect across the entire sample (D), as well as for the female (E) and male (F) participants. Reported correlations are after partialing out the variance associated with collection site, scanner software, estimated IQ, age, and sex. Cortical thickness was estimated using the procedures of Fischl and Dale (2000) and then displayed on the inflated surface (Van Essen, 2005). Display threshold is set at p < 0.005 to allow complete visualization of the effect pattern. Color bars reflect Pearson correlations.