Figure 2. ATX regulates cell migration.
A) A549 cells were transfected with scrambled or ATX siRNA (50 nM) for 48 h. Cell culture media were replaced with serum-free medium and after 24 h, serum free culture supernatants collected and concentrated. ATX activities were measured with fluorescence microreader after incubation with FS-3 for 20 h. The data represents mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments. *p<0.01, compared to scrambled siRNA transfected groups. Insert shows the presence of ATX in medium as detected by Western blotting with antibody to ATX. B) A549 cell migration was measured by a scratch assay for 24 h in serum free medium. The data represent mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments. *p<0.05, compared to scrambled siRNA transduced cells. C) A549 cells were incubated with the ATX inhibitor, Brp-LPA, for 24 h and 48 h in serum free medium, and cell migration was measured by the scratch assay. The data represents mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments *p<0.05, compared to control cells at 24 h; and ** the same at 48 h. Brp-LPA molecular structure is shown in insert. D) A549 cells were infected with ATX-V5 adenovirus (10 MOI) for 24 h and 48 h, and then cell migration in serum free medium was measured by the scratch assay. The data represents mean ± S.D. from three independent experiments. * represents statistical significance (p<0.05) between ATX-V5 overexpressing cells and their control counterparts at 24 h; and ** the same at 48 h.