Table 2.
Baseline characteristics of participants according to further participation in waves 1 and 2
Pra Characteristics at baseline (2000/2001) |
Participation in |
Wave 1 |
Wave 2 |
Wave 1 |
Wave 2 |
Wave 1 |
Wave 2 |
Wave 1 |
Wave 2 |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
n = 1892 | n = 876 | n = 120 | n = 438 | |||||
Age at base line (years) – |
69.4 ± 6.4 |
75.1 ± 7.8 |
71.5 ± 7.6 |
76.3 ± 8.7 |
mean (min., max.) |
(60.2-93.0) |
(60.3-97.0) |
(60.5-92.0) |
(60.8-97.2) |
Female gender – |
1185/1892 |
543/876 |
84/120 |
314/438 |
n (in %) |
(62.6) |
(62.0) |
(70.0) |
(71.7) |
Fair/poor self-perceived health – |
574/1892 |
410/876 |
49/120 |
257/438 |
n (in %) |
(30.3) |
(46.8) |
(40.8) |
(58.7) |
≥ 1 hospital admission over past 12 months
– |
375/1892 |
210/876 |
19/120 |
110/438 |
n (in %) |
(19.8) |
(24.0) |
(15.8) |
(25.1) |
> 6 physician visits over past 12 months
– |
883/1892 |
459/876 |
52/120 |
221/438 |
n (in % |
(46.7) |
(52.4) |
(43.3) |
(50.5) |
Diabetes, yes – |
167/1892 |
119/876 |
16/120 |
54/438 |
n (in %) |
(8.8) |
(13.6) |
(13.3) |
(12.3) |
Coronary heart disease ever, yes – |
268/1892 |
177/876 |
21/120 |
106/438 |
n (in %) |
(14.2) |
(20.2) |
(17.5) |
(24.2) |
Heart attack ever, yes – |
119/1892 |
85/876 |
15/120 |
50/438 |
n (in %) |
(6.3) |
(9.7) |
(12.5) |
(11.4) |
Caregiver available if needed, yes – |
1604/1882 |
671/876 |
91/120 |
323/438 |
n (in %) | (85.2) | (76.6) | (75.8) | (73.7) |