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. 2013 Apr 11;288(23):16827–16838. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.466672


Interacting residues in the RfCohE-XDoc complex and predicted interacting residues in the R. flavefaciens strain 17 CohE-XDoc putative complex interface

Type-IIIe conserved cohesin/dockerin residues are shown in bold. Backbone hydrogen-bonded interacting residues are shown in italics.

Cohesin location CohEFD1 residue XDocFD1 residue CohE17 residue Predicted XDoc17 residue
Hydrophobic interactions
    Strand 5 Leu-101 Ala-203, Ala-133, Leu-207, Leu-137 Leu-91 Ala-199, Ala-130, Leu-203, Leu-134
    Strand 6 Phe-112a Tyr-210,a Val-215 Phe-103a Tyr-206,a Asn-211
    Strand 6 Ala-114 Tyr-210, Leu-207 Ala-105 Tyr-206
    Strand 8 Leu-159 Tyr-210 Leu-150 Tyr-206

    N′ loop NH 1/2 Arg-15 Oδ1/2 Asp-216 Gln-8 Ser-212
    Strand 3 Oγ1 Thr-68 Oγ1 Thr-134 Ala-58 Ser-131
    Strand 3 Nϵ2 His-72 O Ser-214 His-62 Met-210
    Strand 5 Oϵ1 Glu-105, Oϵ2 Glu-105 Oγ1 Thr-211, Nζ Lys-212 Glu-95 Ala-207, Lys-208
    Strand 5 Oδ1 Asn-107 N Asp-216 Asp-97 Ser-212
    Flap 8 Nζ Lys-156 O Ser-213 Asn-147 Arg-208
    Flap 8 O Gly-157 OH Tyr-210 Glu-148 Tyr-206
    Loop 8-helix 9 Nδ2 Asn-163 Oγ1 Thr-138 Val-154 Ala-135
    Loop 8-helix 9 Oδ2 Asp-165 NH 1 Arg-131 Lys-156 Val-128

Ionic interactions
    N′ loop Arg-15b Asp-216b Gln-8 Ser-212
    Strand 5 Glu-105b Lys-212b Glu-95 Lys-208
    Flap 8 Asp-153 Lys-219 Arg-144 Asp-215
    Loop 8-helix 9 Asp-165b Arg-131b Lys-156 Val-128

a The residue is also involved with aromatic interaction.

b The residue is also involved with hydrogen-bonding interaction(s).