Performance of DIP–STR and forensic STR in resolving various ratios of DNA mixtures. A: The electropherograms show the DIP–STR-specific amplification of a minor DNA when mixed to increasing quantities (1:10 to 1:1,000) of a second DNA, both genotypes of the two-mixed DNA are known. We report here one informative marker, rs67842608-D5S468 as a representative example. The minor DNA-specific amplification is achieved by using the S-DIP primer, which targets the minor allele 92S (377 bp), that is not shared with the major DNA, 90L 94L (383–387 bp). Note that the alleles of the major DNA are 375 and 379 bp long, when they are amplified by the S-DIP primer due to a nonspecific amplification. B: The same DNA mixtures were analyzed by the forensic kit NGMselect (Applied Biosystems). We show here only four representative markers. The electropherogram corresponding to the DNA ratio 1:10 shows that the minor DNA alleles indicated by red arrows are close to the detection limit and they are quickly not detected anymore when the quantity of the major DNA increase to 1:20, 1:50, and so on (for 1:100 and 1:1,000 data are not reported).