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. 2012 May 21;30(19):2314–2326. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.37.9792

Table 2.

Adherence to the Interventions by Study Group

Outcome Baseline
Δ0-6-mo 0-6-mo Δ0-12 mo 0-12 mo P *
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Weight, kg
    Control 84.2 12.5 83.8 13.0 83.7 12.3 −0.5 −0.6 −0.5 −0.6
    Diet 84.0 11.8 77.0 12.8 74.9 12.3 −7.1 −8.4 −9.1 −10.8 PC< .001 PE< .001 PD+E = .17
    Exercise 83.7 12.3 82.1 12.3 80.9 12.2 −1.6 −1.9 −2.8 –3.3 PC = .02 PD< .001 PD+E< .001
    Diet + exercise 82.5 10.8 74.9 10.8 72.7 10.9 −7.7 −9.3 −9.8 −11.9 PC< .001 PD = .10 PE< .001
Body fat, % NA NA
    Control 47.3 4.4 47.2 5.3 −0.3 −0.5
    Diet 47.0 4.3 42.1 6.4 −5.0 −10.6 PC< .001 PE = .02 PD+E< .001
    Exercise 47.3 4.1 45.5 5.0 −1.8 −3.8 PC< .001 PD< .001 PD+E < .001
    Diet + exercise 47.4 4.5 41.1 7.0 −6.4 −13.4 PC< .0001 PD = .02 PE< .001
Pedometer, steps/wk§ NA NA
    Control 5,605 2,334 6,136 2,909 530.9 9.5
    Diet 5,539 2,257 6,365 2,841 825.7 14.9 PC = .67 PE < .001 PD+E< .001
    Exercise 5,777 2,129 9,139 3,120 3362.6 58.2 PC< .001 PD< .001 PD+E = .06
    Diet + exercise 5,980 2,393 10,069 2,944 4088.5 68.4 PC< .001 PD< .001 PE = .06
VO2max, L/min NA NA
    Control 1.93 0.37 1.91 0.33 −0.02 −0.9
    Diet 1.89 0.31 1.84 0.32 −0.04 −2.3 PC = .83 PD< .001 PD+E< .001
    Exercise 1.85 0.31 2.04 0.35 0.19 10.1 PC< .001 PD< .001 PD+E = .30
    Diet + exercise 1.93 0.34 2.07 0.41 0.15 7.6 PC< .001 PD< .001 PE = .30
Total calories, kcal/d NA NA
    Control 1,988 669 1,733 616 −255 −13
    Diet 1,885 661 1,564 539 −320 −17 PC = .54 PE = .30 PD+E = .75
    Exercise 1,987 589 1,768 501 −219 −11 PC = .73 PD = .30 PD+E = .17
    Diet + exercise 1,891 638 1,549 525 −342 −18 PC = .36 PD = .75 PE = .10
Fat intake, % of kcal/d NA NA
    Control 35.6 6.9 33.3 6.9 −2.3 −6.3
    Diet 33.1 6.3 26.2 6.9 −6.9 −21.0 PC< .001 PE< .001 PD+E = .17
    Exercise 33.6 6.9 31.8 7.0 −1.8 −5.4 PC = .30 PD< .001 PD+E< .001
    Diet + exercise 35.3 7.3 27.0 6.6 −8.4 −23.7 PC< .001 PD = .17 PE< .001

Abbreviations: SD, standard deviation; Δ, change.


Change from baseline to 12 months.

PC, P values for comparing the changes between control group and three intervention groups.

PD or PE, P values for comparing the changes between exercise group and diet group; PD+E, P values for comparing the changes between diet + exercise group and two other intervention groups (exercise group or diet group).


N = 428 for total; n = 82 for control; n = 117 for diet; n = 114 for exercise; and n = 115 for diet + exercise groups.

N = 427 for total; n = 85 for control; n = 114 for diet; n = 114 for exercise; n = 114 for diet + exercise groups.