Targeted deletion of Cx26 in DCs and OPCs in Cx26 cKO mice.
a–c:Immunofluorescent labeling of the cochlear sensory epithelium for Cx26,
Prestin, and Cx30 in the whole-mounting preparation. White-dashed lines represent OHC, DC and OPC
area, where Cx26 labeling (green) is absent but Cx30 labeling (red color in panel c)
remains in Cx26 cKO mice. d,e: Immunofluorescent staining of the cochlear cross-section
for Cx26. OHCs are visualized by prestin labeling (red color). A white-dashed line box in panel
e indicates OHCs, DCs, OPCs, and their neighboring area. OC: organ of Corti; LW:
lateral wall; SLM: spiral limbus. f–h: High-magnification images of the boxed
area. A white arrow in panel g indicates that the Cx26 labeling in the DC and OPC
region is absent in Cx26 cKO mice. Three white arrows in panel h indicate 3 rows of
OHCs. Scale bars = 50 μm in a–e; 10 μm in