Fig 1.
Comparison of process data from the feed phase of cultivations performed with the plasmid-based [BL21(DE3)(pET30aSOD), open circles] expression system and the plasmid-free [BL21(DE3)::TN7<T7-SOD>, filled circles] expression system. Data represent determinations of the induction of recombinant gene expression conducted at feed hour 7 using 20 μmol IPTG g−1 CDM. (A) Total cell dry mass (CDM). The black line represents the calculated theoretical CDM based on a constant glucose yield coefficient of 0.3 g · g−1 · h−1. (B) Glucose yield coefficient (YX/S). (C) Growth rate. (D) Viable cell number (VCN). The dashed line indicates the time point of induction. Data shown are derived from three independent replicate experiments (n = 3).