Fig 1.
Unrooted phylogenetic tree of the csaB genes of B. anthracis, B. cereus, and B. thuringiensis strains. The number at each branch point represents the percentage of bootstrap support calculated from 1,000 replicates. Only bootstrap values above 50 are shown. B.a. Ames* represents all 21 B. anthracis strains. B.c ATCC 14579* represents B. cereus strains ATCC 14579, ATCC 10876, AH676, BAG3X2-2, BAG4X12-1, BDRD-Cer4, F65185, VD156, and VD169. B.t 4AE1* represents B. thuringiensis strains 4AE1, 4AM1, 4AQ1, 4AT1, 4CB1, 4D11, 4G1, 4L1, 4T1, 4W1, 4X1, HD-1, HD73, T03a001, and YBT-1520. B.t ATCC 35646* represents B. thuringiensis strains ATCC 35646, 4AK1, 4AX1, 4BS1, 4BZ1, 4M1, BMB171, Bt4Q7, HD-789, and T69001.