Fig 4.
Dual cultures of ZS-1TN22803 or ZS-1 of C. minitans with host S. sclerotiorum Ep-1PNA367. The mycelial disc of mutant ZS-1TN22803 or ZS-1 was placed at the center of a PDA plate and grown for 5 days, and then four mycelial discs of S. sclerotiorum were placed on the same plate, equally spaced at ∼3.0 cm from the center, and the plates were incubated at 20°C for a further 20 days. ZS-1TN22803 did not produce dark pycnidia in the colony of S. sclerotiorum, and it did not parasitize the sclerotia (the white fuzzy material) at the interface of the two colonies.