Fig 5.
Correlation between 3HHx fraction and specific synthase activity for polymerization of (R)-3HHx-CoA (A) and (R)-3HB-CoA (white boxes) and (R)-3HV-CoA (black boxes) (B) by wild-type and selected A479X mutants of PhaCCs. The data points show linear correlations (dotted lines). The 3HHx fraction was determined from freeze-dried cells via gas chromatography. In vitro activity was determined by an enzymatic assay of purified synthase extracts (7.5 nM to 0.3 μM) using (R)-3HB-CoA, (R)-3HV-CoA, and (R)-3HHx-CoA as substrates (600 μM). One unit of enzyme activity is defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzed the release of 1 μmol CoA/min. The data shown are means of triplicate experiments. The error bars indicate standard deviations.