Figure 2.
Recent beverage intakes (category of servings/day) and International Prostate Symptom Scores at follow-up (2006–2010) in 1,610 men (•) and 2,534 women (○) in the Boston Area Community Health Survey. β estimates and 95% confidence intervals are shown for A) total International Prostate Symptom Score, B) voiding symptoms subscore, and C) daytime storage (frequency, urgency, or both) subscore in association with recent beverage consumption. Recent intake referred to the previous 7 days for all beverages except citrus (orange or grapefruit) juice, for which intake was estimated from the subsample of respondents with follow-up food frequency questionnaire data (982 men; 1,623 women). For specific beverage types, the reference group was nondrinkers of that beverage. For total fluids, the reference group was drinkers of ≤7 servings/day of all beverages. Values were obtained from generalized linear multivariable models with adjustment for age, race/ethnicity, total fluid intake, urinary tract infection, antispasmodic or anticholinergic medication use, physical activity, and waist circumference.